Friday, August 17, 2007

Sans Ovary

So I apologize for the blog break this past week.. early this week my Mom got put into the hospital for severe abdominal pain, and they still can't figure out what's wrong with her. They have run a ton of tests, too, and they are still running more.

And to top it off, I had surgery myself this morning, but this one was scheduled. I had to have an ovary removed due to a cyst that was in the ovary and not making it a happy camper. Right now the boyfriend is being a great nurse, and I'm making sure to stay ahead of the pain. I look to get some knitting in once the anesthesia wears off, and the boyfriend said once I feel good enough he would drive me to JoAnns (it's close, it would be a good "first outing"). Awww! Plus I got a sock done, and I have a couple of recipes to post, so I have a couple of hefty updates coming up.

Hope everyone is doing well!


rohanknitter said...

Ooh, your poor mom- hope they figure that out soon.
Hope you stay pain-free and recover quickly! Glad you have a good nurse. : )

PinkPorcupine said...

Hope you and your mom feel better soon - don't overexert yourself. Sitting around knitting for a few days sounds like good activity to me!

smariek said...

Sarah, I hope they figure out what is causing your mom abdominal pain or that it goes away and never comes back again. I hate mystery illnesses that stump doctors; fortunately the two I've experienced have gone away just as mysteriously as they appeared. (knock on wood). Do take it easy while you recover. Sounds like you have the perfect nurse... taking you to JoAnn's as your first outing. He's definitely a keeper. :-) Take care...

Iseaulte of the Clews said...

I hope you and your Mom are feeling better soon.