Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Fall TV Line Up

I noticed a number of knit-bloggers are blogging about what they watch for fall TV. And I thought I would write some stuff, too.

But we don't have a TV.

Well, I lied. We have a TV, but it's a small 13 inch TV with rabbit ears that we got from my parents for emergencies.. and to watch Lost. And it hasn't been on in months.. well, since the Season Finale of Lost. And it probably won't be on until the Season Premiere of Lost, or god forbid, there is an emergency where we need it.

Life without TV is interesting. I used to be hopelessly addicted. I never thought I could live without it. One of the first questions we get from visitors is "But where is your television?!?" Our living room set up is nice and cozy, with a stereo, the iPod speakers, bookcases, Justin's music stuff, the couches, etc.

We just kind of made the decision without any thought. You see, if we both worked full time and had the money for a nice flat screen and 5000 channels, you bet your ass we would have TV. HBO, Showtime, etc. But we don't both work (I go to school full time), and money isn't flowing freely in. And when you are stuck with 4 channels, and most of them mainstream media (which we both loathe), we just didn't watch it. We keep up on the shows we want to watch (Weeds, etc) using online TV sources. No commercials, no media. It's great.

I listen to NPR all.the.time. It's always on in the background, so if something is going on, I hear about it. When I knit, I usually watch something on the laptop, listen to a podcast, or listen to NPR, or Justin when he is playing guitar (he will play 2-4 hours a night.)

So when Lost comes back on, we watch it approximately an hour a week. Because we are HUGE Lost dorks. And my boyfriend *hates* when I tell people this, but when they mention a book on there, he runs out and gets it and reads it. THAT'S how much we are into it. We originally started watching it when we rented the first season from the library, and when we caught up we realized we should get a TV.

It really brings a new element into things, and I like it. I actually get more knitting done, more reading done, a little more of everything. I'm not exactly sure what we will do when we have money for a TV with all the frills, but it will be interesting to see.


rohanknitter said...
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goosefairy said...
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Natasha said...
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Corbie said...
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