Here's the Harry Potter scarf finally! The yarn used was Claret and Gold Red Heart. My sister told me it's been worn MANY a time, so I don't doubt it's going to see alot of use.

I have also been working on dyeing roving for the shop, so make sure to check out my Etsy store.
I haven't been knitting much because I've been practicing my drafting on the Charkha wheel and dyeing yarn and roving and dealing with the medical stuff. Hopefully soon I can get started on a new project, though.
Oh, and I was tagged mutiple times for the 7 weird facts meme. So here it is:
1. My favorite meal is the ravioli you can get at Meijer (the name brand, not the store brand.. I've tried the store brand, and I just don't like the cheese they put in it) and to heat it up, and to eat it.. plain, with no sauce.
2. I drive a $200 mini-van. I love that van, it's treated me better than any other car I have driven. Its a 1989 Plymouth Voyager, and it's covered in feminist bumper stickers.
3. Expounding on #2 a bit, I'm very politically active. I am actually president of my colleges pro-choice organization, I have a feminist blog, I do alot for sexual assualt awareness, and we are working to get a crisis center on campus.
4. I used to be country through-and-through, until I moved in with my boyfriend. Now I'm turning into a city girl, and I appreciate having everything within 15 minutes. LYS (2 miles), grocery stores (5 miles), the post office (2 blocks), friends houses, you name it. Especially when gas is over $3.50 a gallon. When I lived with my parents, the LYS was 50 minutes away.
6. Even though we rent an apartment in an older house (and it's kinda the landlords position to do it), a neighbor and I planted flowers all around the building this spring. Last year nothing was planted and it looked kinda dreary. We just put plants all around that are really hardy, and I put a ton of morning glory seeds down. It looks alot better this year.
7. I have a betta fish named Kurt Vonnegut. Socrates (the cat) keeps trying to get to Kurt, but he can't since Kurt is on a 6 ft bookcase. But I keep insisting that Socrates cannot eat Kurt Vonnegut because that would forever change history.
And I'm not going to tag anyone, since everyone I know has already been tagged :-D So if you haven't done it, do it!
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